With an interest in natural health and beauty products on the rise, it’s no surprise that room diffusers and essential oils have become very popular as of late. I had been toying with the idea buying a diffuser for my home, and once my best friend raved about hers and how great her room smelled, I stopped hesitating, headed over to Amazon, and grabbed one for myself (okay okay, I grabbed two!). I did quite a bit of research on what diffuser unit would work best for me and my room sizes, and from there I narrowed it down by price and aesthetic. To accompany my diffuser, I also searched Amazon for the perfect essential oil starter set – I knew I wanted a set that included lavender to help with restful sleep, and orange/citrus because it’s one of my favourite scents. Oh, and it couldn’t contain tea tree oil – my arch enemy of essential oils (yes, I’m being a bit dramatic, but it’s one of my least favourite scents…ever). Surprisingly, it was difficult to find a set that met my criteria, until I finally I stumbled on one from a company called Spruse Essentials.

Not only did this starter set come with the scents I was searching for, but the products are Canadian made by a family run company, cruelty-free, 100% all natural, and reasonably priced at under $30.00CDN. Supporting Canadian made products is something I value, so I instantly knew I’d be adding their Essential Oils Starter Kit to my shopping cart.

The starter kit comes in a sleek, black box with six 10ml bottles of oil in lavender, mandarin, lemongrass, peppermint, rosemary and eucalyptus. Lavender has definitely been my go-to when it’s time to unwind at night, but thanks to the paring suggestion card that came with the oils, I have discovered a favourite new daytime combo: peppermint and mandarin – the perfect pick-me-up! For a newbie essential oil user like myself, I loved that the owners of Spruse had taken the time to help guide me through using their scents and how to get the most out of their product. After professing my love for my new oils on Spruse Essential’s Instagram page, Desmond and Celeste, the lovely owners of the company, reached out to me via email and offered to give away one of their starter kits to a lucky reader. I jumped at the opportunity to share their fantastic oils with you, my lovely peaches. If you’d like to win this set for yourself, head over to my Instagram page now for full contest details. Or if you want to grab a Starter Kit for yourself now, you can use code ROCKFORD to get 10% off here, until the end of April.




